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Important tests for diagnosing kidney problems in their 30s

Important tests for diagnosing kidney problems in their 30s

One of the kidneys' most important functions is to filter bodily waste by treating excess water and other impurities in the blood.

The kidneys play a key role in regulating sodium and potassium levels and maintaining the body's pH balance, but due to unhealthy lifestyles, kidney problems are on the rise, and medical experts stress the importance of early detection, prevention and treatment of kidney-related diseases.

Often, kidney disease goes unnoticed until it reaches a destructive point. To avoid this, individuals over thirty should undergo regular health checks.

Medical tests are the only way to determine if your kidneys are functioning properly, according to OnlyMyHealth.

In their thirties, kidney problems can be diagnosed through tests

Pressure in the blood

It is important to control high blood pressure because it is the second most common cause of kidney damage. When a person's blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, it is considered high. However, if you have diabetes or kidney disease, your blood pressure is considered high when it exceeds 130/80. To reduce your risk of kidney disease and other similar conditions, it is recommended to keep blood pressure under control.

Ratio of creatinine to protein

It is the most accurate method for measuring protein levels in the urine. This test is only used to determine the amount of protein in the urine. Generally, a value of 200 mg / g or less is considered normal for urine protein levels, while a value greater than this is considered abnormal.

Ratio of creatinine to protein

It is the most accurate method for measuring protein levels in the urine. This test is only used to determine the amount of protein in the urine. Generally, a value of 200 mg / g or less is considered normal for urine protein levels, while a value greater than this is considered abnormal.

Albumin-to-creatinine ratio

This test is recommended for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of diabetes. A number of 30 mg / g per day indicates early signs of kidney disease, and a 24-hour urine sample is not required for protein-to-creatinine ratios or albumin-to-creatinine ratios.

Test with a urine urometer

A urinalysis is often performed with this method to determine albumin levels in your urine. Although the test does not provide an accurate measurement, the results are sufficient to tell doctors if your levels are within normal limits. As the albumin level increases, the color of the depth gauge sheet changes.

Rate of glomerular filtration

An estimated value of serum creatinine and parameters such as age and gender are used to determine whether your kidneys have successfully eliminated contaminants from your blood. If the value is less than 60, then you may have kidney disease.

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

This test measures the amount of urea found in urine, a waste product created by our body due to protein degradation from our diet. When kidneys are functioning properly, they will filter the urea nitrogen and expel it in the urine. BUN levels normally range from 7-20, depending on age and existing health issues. Anything above this number could indicate that a person's kidney health is below par; additionally, an elevated BUN level can be a sign of deteriorating kidney health.

A urine test

Typically, these components are not detected in the urine, so their presence indicates that the kidneys are unhealthy. This test examines a urine sample for protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Protein in urine is an early indicator of kidney damage.

A healthy lifestyle and frequent check-ups will keep diseases at bay. With a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups, the kidneys will be able to efficiently filter and remove waste products from the body.


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